On December 14, the 2023 Annual Grant Awards Event will acknowledge this year’s 24 Grant Recipients and the 29 Grant programs that will impact our community. The Hellenic Foundation Grant Program funds projects, programs, and organizations that serve the needs of the Greek and Orthodox communities throughout the Chicagoland area. Since 2016, the Hellenic Foundation has awarded more than $2.8 million to worthy organizations.
The 2023 Virtual Grant Awards will air on December 14 at 7:30 p.m. For more information on our Grant Program and to register to watch our Virtual Grant Awards please visit www.hellenicfoundation.org/grants.
The 2023 Grant Award Recipients
13th District AHEPA Scholarship Foundation
Scholarship Program
AHEPA Chicago Lakeshore Chapter 205
Midwest Hellenic History Tournament
American Farm School
Greek Summer Program
Annunciation Cathedral, Chicago
Technology Upgrade
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Kankakee
Beautification Outreach Program
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, Chicago
Austin Community Outreach
Daughters of Penelope 13th Dist. Scholarship Foundation
Scholarship Program
Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre
Supportive Technology
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago
Family Synaxis Ministry
Lighthouse Ministry
Pick Up Your Cross Ministry
St. Iakovos Retreat Center
Hellenic American Academy
Drama Club Program
Hellenic Link-Midwest
Lecture Program
National Hellenic Museum
Growing More Success
Orthodox Christian Alumni in Action at U of I
Orthodox Church in America
Thriving in Ministry
Orthodox Christian Fellowship Chicago
OCF Chicago
Orthodox Christian Laity
DePaul University Archives Project
PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation
Scholarship Program
Alumni Reunion Luncheon
Plato Academy
Classroom Technology
Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church, Glenview
Technology Upgrade
St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church, Aurora
Men's Group Outreach
St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Elmhurst
Pythagoras Schools
St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Chicago
Hot Meals to Go
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Des Plaines
Feed My Neighbor
TEAM Belong Ministry
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church, Palatine
Technology and Classroom Upgrade