How important is it to follow the grant application guidelines of the Foundation?
It is essential that the guidelines outlined in the Grant Policies section of this website be followed very carefully. Please make sure to complete the Grant Application Form online and forward it to the Foundation. A copy of the online application, including attachments, may be forwarded to the Hellenic Foundation via USPS or email in PDF format to pvalessares@hellenicfoundation.org.
The grant application deadline is July 1. Does this mean that the application must be mailed by July 1 or does it mean it must be received by the Foundation by July 1?
The grant application must submitted online or mailed and received by July 1.
Are extensions of the grant application deadline permitted upon request?
No. In fairness to applicants who are able to meet the July 1 deadline, no extensions are permitted.
May a grant application be filed electronically?
Yes. Grant applications, including attachments, may be emailed. Files must be in PDF format.
After I file my grant application, what will happen next?
If your grant application package is complete, you will receive a letter or email from the Foundation confirming its receipt within three weeks from the date the Foundation receives it. If it is not complete, you will be notified as to the incomplete elements of the application and you will be required to complete the application. Due to the potential volume of grant applications submitted to the Foundation, it is requested that you wait until after the three-week period and only call regarding your application if you do not receive the confirmation letter.
Will the Foundation consider applications outside of its normal annual grant cycle?
No. The Foundation only considers grant applications submitted on or before July 1 of that calendar year.
I understand that the Foundation may give grant applicants the opportunity to make a presentation to the Foundation.
The Board of Directors may require a presentation by a grant applicant for final grant award determination. In such cases, the applicant will be notified that a as to the date and time for either an in-person or zoom presentation.
What criteria does the Foundation use in evaluating grant requests?
The following are among the factors considered by the Foundation when evaluating an organization that submits a grant application:
Submission of a viable Project/Program Abstract and Budget that demonstrates financial need and meets the Grant Guidelines and Policies.
Financial transparency and accountability;
Good governance - a committed and advocating board; Good management from the staff;
Evidence of sound strategic planning.
Strong constituency support through annual giving;
Planned futurity of the project;
A compelling vision of the future;
A demonstrated record of success;
A professional approach to relationships with major donors.
These factors are general in nature. Although important, not every organization will be at the stage where it is able to satisfy each one. In addition, not all of the factors will apply to every organization's situation. However, in all requests, the Foundation is looking for projects, programs and organizations with a vision for what they are trying to accomplish and a strategic plan on how they will accomplish that vision. The Foundation often assists projects at their early stages, but looks for evidence that the potential to develop the listed factors is present.
Does the Foundation make multi-year grants?
Generally, the Foundation will not commit to a grant that will extend over a period of years.
What size grants does the Foundation make?
The grants typically range from $5,000 to $25,000.
Does the Foundation help organizations pay down debt?
No. The Foundation does not fund the servicing of debt.
Does the Foundation help fund parish building projects?
No. The Foundation does not fund parish building projects.
Does the Foundation have a fund for emergency grants?
No. The Board of Directors determine the available funds for the year’s Grant Program based on the grant applications submitted by July 1 of that calendar year.
Does the Foundation provide funding for annual budgets of organizations?
The Foundation only fund specific projects, programs and initiatives of organizations. It generally does not fund ongoing operating budgetary items.
Does the Foundation make grants to individuals?
No. The Foundation only makes grants to 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations.
Does the Foundation make “pass through” grants?
Does the Foundation require that grant applicants be audited by an independent CPA firm?
All organizations requesting a grant from the foundation are required to have adequate internal financial controls and internal audit procedures in place. An external audit by in independent CPA firm is typically required of large, well established, and national organizations such as dioceses and archdioceses. However, an independent external audit is generally not required of small or newly established organizations. In addition, an independent external audit is generally not required of parishes applying for a grant. The Foundation reserves the right to require an independent external audit as a condition for approving any grant request.